So it's a new new year and we all make resolutions. Everyone's looking to lose 5 or 10 pounds. Especially after the holiday season with all those extra goodies and temptations around, it' s really easy to get a little carried away.
I would like to spend a little more time this year not being so stressed all the time. I think I need to get carried away. Yes, carried way to Cal-a-Vie. I've been dreaming of this spa vacation for quite sometime. I will have to put it on my bucket list, but not before winning the lottery though. I'll need to win that too if I ever dream of getting there. Take a look and you'll see, maybe you'll want to win the lottery too. Then we can go there together and hangout out, unwind, have some spa treatments, eat amazing nutritional gourmet cuisine and hang out with Oprah, Julia Roberts, Sharon Stone, Uma Thurman etc......
I dream that Oprah and Brooke are actually there the same week that I am and we quickly become BFF's during our stay. Hey, if I'm going to dream of going there, I might as well make it a good one. What would your dream be?Celebrities who love Cal-a Vie

Two hundred acres of beautiful terrain with rose bushes and gardenias, along with hillsides of olive, lemon and orange trees make a bucolic setting for a wonderful vacation stay
You can stay for 3, 4 or 7 nights
at the destination spa voted #1 in North AmericaEnjoy all the beauty and listen to the cascading central stream
gurgling throughout the spa
Even hear the water trickling from the antique fountains
Relax in the meditation center. It is a chapel from a 16th century convent in Dijon, France that has been brought to Cal-a-Vie and reconstructed on their beautiful grounds
Twenty six private Mediterranean style villas are available for your stay. Each villa is uniquely decorated with handcrafted furniture and fine European linens
Cal-a-vie has been voted the number one spa for interior design
You can see why
Spa treatments are given in ultra luxurious surroundings with imported tiles and tubs for seaweed wraps, hydrotherapy and mud scrubs
Have a wet or dry sauna, a hot stone message or reflexology to help you to unwind in beautiful interiors filled with
fine French and Italian antiques
Workout clothing is provided for you
along with the white fluffy robes
Take a dip in the pool built with imported Greek limestone
or a Pilates class
or do a little cardio in the fitness center with a 17th century Italian chandelierThere's labyrinth walking
and hiking on the beautiful terrain
and when you're done exercising...
you can enjoy the gourmet meals tailor made to your caloric needs
Even indulge in a guiltless dessert of Apple Phylo Strudel
Dine in elegant surroundings
Take a cooking class
or attend a nutrition lecture
Then head to bed for a restful night's sleep in the luxury of your own private villa

Wow, I feel so much more relaxed already. I feel like I just dropped 5 lbs, too, just by looking at all that exercise equipment. The only things missing are the friendships I could have made with Oprah and Brooke. Oh well.
But I look at it this way, I just saved almost $8,000 for the 7 nights I didn't have to spend to stay in my private villa.
Take the Virtual Tour
of Cal-a Vie here


BonjourRomance saidā€¦
Bonjour Gail,
Cal-a Vie looks perfect. When shall we go? I'm ready to grab one of those fluffy white robes and relax. Hey I dropped 5 lbs too...
if only were that easy!
Hope your first week of 2010 is off to a fabulous start!
Libbie saidā€¦
Nah who needs Brooke & oprah- we would even have fun without them :) I am in! If I win the lottery that is. But if I do we are going :) Except I don't believe in lotterys really :) So then if my husband becomes ceo of his company :) (about as much chance of that as if I were to win the lottery without buying a ticket:) Then I will take YOU. And Maybe Brooke & Oprah will be lucky enough to be there when we are. just maybe :)
Queen "B" saidā€¦
OK SPA DIVA, I'm in, I happen to be a Spa Hopper my self, I have not been to Cal-a-Vie ,but I will put it on the list !! Thanks for sharing, and I would love to Spa with Bette Midler and Shirley Mcclaine and Oprah can come but hopefully she will bring Gail, she seems to be very kool too!!count me in and I will cover the first round of room service for us all!!
But I think I need a windfall too
New Year Wishes
alice saidā€¦
Oh Gail! Now we don't need to go! You gave us such a wonderful tour! Well maybe if my ship comes in...............
smiles, alice
Lee saidā€¦
Beautiful, place for beautiful people... I can afford the cumcumber for my eyes... yes, sigh... it is fun to dream...especially in winter.

charmaine saidā€¦
Hey Gail,

bucket list, you are so funny! okay, so, as soon as my numbers come up in the lottery, we are booking 7 days at Cal-a-Vie! i need this bad! i can see us sitting there in our white robes eating a healthy meal enjoying a great conversation and the view. this place is beautiful! i'm getting my suitcase ready! i'm serious, don't let my numbers come up, because girl we are definitely going. i need a girlfriend getaway with Oprah and all! i need to talk to her anyway about giving me some tickets before she leaves, lol! hope your having a fabulous week! :)

God Bless,
Winchester Manor saidā€¦
Hi Gail,

This is exactly what we need! I'm buying lottery tickets today and girl if I win we are heading there pronto!

What a fabulous place with every single detail thoughtfully planned out and the fool looks amazing too!

Love and hugs,
Queen "B" saidā€¦
Aloha Gail,
You honor me today with such a lovely kind words and thank you for sharing your personal experience of your Dad with me. You know, I have often thought how it would of been wonderful to have had just one more moment with him, but you see we had no regrets with one another, and every time we said our goodbyes we knew if it was our last, we had everything in check, My Dad had a strange notion that he would never reach an old age, he was right he died at 54.I live still loving him and sharing that love with the ones I love too!. I dropped in on Libbe too, thanks for the suggestion, she is darling!
All my Aloha
Unknown saidā€¦
So many wonderful photos and yes I agree...I could use a nice spa vacation as well!
WhiteWhispers2u saidā€¦
Great Tour~ I would never want to leave that is for sure.What an amazing place and a great idea.

Thanks for saying Hello and joining my blog.I will be back.Enjoyed my stay~Kim