A HUGE thank you to Natasha over at
5 Minutes Just for Me
for tagging
me with

I must list TEN things that make me happy:
1. Reading all the kind, sweet comments
from my blogging friends

2. Flowers

3. Chocolate

4. Orange Tea

5. Hugs and Kisses from the People I Love

6. Sunshine
7. Being Outside
8. Fragrant Candles from Bath & Body Works
9. Reading Decorating Magazines
10. Cat Naps with a Great Blanket

And TEN Blogs that Brighten My Day
1. Mimi Bleu at Bonjour Romance
2. Libbie at The Middlest Sister
3. Kate at Auntie Cakes
4. Brandi at Queen of My Kingdom
5. Lee at Inspired Comblogulations
6. Maggie at Just Between You and Me
7. Charmaine at Beautiful Things to Share
8. Daisy at Daisy Pink Cupcake
9. Kim at White Whispers 2U
10.Fifi at Fifi Flowers
AND as a bonus
11. Ness at Marley and Lockyer
12. All Things Nice
I hope they brighten your day like they have mine!
for tagging
me with

I must list TEN things that make me happy:
1. Reading all the kind, sweet comments
from my blogging friends

2. Flowers

3. Chocolate

4. Orange Tea
5. Hugs and Kisses from the People I Love

6. Sunshine

7. Being Outside

8. Fragrant Candles from Bath & Body Works

9. Reading Decorating Magazines

10. Cat Naps with a Great Blanket

And TEN Blogs that Brighten My Day
1. Mimi Bleu at Bonjour Romance
2. Libbie at The Middlest Sister
3. Kate at Auntie Cakes
4. Brandi at Queen of My Kingdom
5. Lee at Inspired Comblogulations
6. Maggie at Just Between You and Me
7. Charmaine at Beautiful Things to Share
8. Daisy at Daisy Pink Cupcake
9. Kim at White Whispers 2U
10.Fifi at Fifi Flowers
AND as a bonus
11. Ness at Marley and Lockyer
12. All Things Nice
I hope they brighten your day like they have mine!

Congrats you deserve the award and what a beautiful list of things that make you happy, the lips are cool with the heart, the sunshine photograph is gorgeous and that adorable wee kitty.
All things nice...
Love your list, on my way to check out these blogs.
Have a great day!
You are so nice, there was no need, I know you stop by my blog and I'm very grateful for that. Love your blog. Many thanks.
All things nice...
THank you for your sweet comments about Annie. I really was proud of her & she has made me tear up MANY tims these past few days :) You know what itis like! Your daughter making her special jewelery too! (which by the way I have not forgot about!) I still want to order one for Karen when I get the right pic!
Thanks for everything Gail! You always encourage me!!!
I haven't visited some of the blogs you have mentioned so thanks for sharing them-if you love them they must be very beautiful!
As always, it has been wonderful coming to visit today.
Best wishes dear friend, Natasha.
FUN to be tagged by YOU!
Love and hugs,
can you feel my gratitude tears rolling down my cheeks? You know I was thinking this morning as I was showering about how this new world of lovely,intelligent,kind, talented and very generous women have come into my sphere of influence. I have concluded that this has everything to do with the Law of attraction and
also recognizing great Human Beings. I have to say I feel very honored to be amongst the quality Women I have come in contact with, you my sweet friend are ....well....Amazing. Somehow that doesn't quite explain my feelings but it comes close. I see some really wonderful times ahead. Mahalo for allowing me into your world and sharing mine with me.
Mahalo for including me in your blog on the top ten!! Who knows...with more outstanding women such as you...maybe we can change the WORLD?
All my Aloha
We had tornadoes come through our area... so I shut down my computer due to power surges, I am sorry it took me so long to get here.
Off to paint now...and thank you again.
Félicitations for this well deserved award, your blog is such a pleasure to visit. And thank you sharing it with me along with these other lovely bloggers.
Loved your list, especially the hugs and kissed from those we love and the chocolat is alawys a winner!
Thank you too for coming by and all your sweet comments - they are so encouraging and make me happy to be a part of blogland!
I will post about this Happy 101 asap.
Have a fabulous weekend my friend!